Welcome to the official blog of the International Disaster Conference and Expo, January 8 - 10, 2013. The purpose of this site is to provide information and commentary on international disasters from the leading experts in the field.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tom Ridge and Kevin Davis to Chair IDCE 2013

The annual International Disaster Conference and Exposition (IDCE) announced today that Tom Ridge, the first U.S. secretary of Homeland Security and current president and CEO of Ridge Global, and Kevin Davis, director of the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) will co-chair IDCE 2013, scheduled to take place at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center January 8-10, 2013.
IDCE’s annual conference brings together public and private sector professionals from around the world for discussions on emergency planning and disaster mitigation.  IDCE 2013 is expected to attract approximately 3,000 attendees, including policy decision makers from numerous countries, leaders from U.S. emergency management/homeland security personnel at the federal, state and local levels, and leaders from the private sector charged with roles ranging from internal security to community and national emergency response and recovery coordination. The conference will cover a range of issue areas such as: cyber security, resilience, business continuity, disaster recovery, global threats and crises management, social media / communications, and economic stability/recovery.
“We’re honored to have two exceptional security and emergency preparedness experts chairing IDCE 2013,” said IDCE director Jimmy Mouton.  “Governor Ridge and Kevin have a wealth of knowledge in emergency planning and response. Their leadership in 2013 will ensure IDCE not only meets, but exceeds the standards set by the inaugural conference program.”
Ridge served as the first U.S. secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and before that was sworn in as the first White House director of Homeland Security in the weeks following the tragic events of September 11, 2001. A former governor of Pennsylvania and now president and CEO of Ridge Global, an international security and risk management firm headquartered in Washington, DC, Ridge has a significant background in designing and coordinating preparedness, recovery and response measures for times of critical disasters.
“Recent natural disasters, man-made crises and geopolitical unrest demonstrate that the world has never been more interdependent,” said Ridge.  “Catastrophes now have second and third order impacts that transcend levels of government and jurisdictional boundaries as well as industry sectors and supply chains. International preparedness, emergency management and resilience leaders – from both the public and private sectors – need a forum where they can develop relationships and share ideas. IDCE provides such a global forum, and I’m honored to be chairing it along with Kevin Davis.”  
Kevin Davis was appointed GOHSEP Director by Governor Bobby Jindal in December 2011.  He is responsible for all aspects of preparedness, response, and, recovery in the State of Louisiana, and has extensive experience and understanding of private sector resources in public sector planning.  Prior to GOHSEP, Mr. Davis served as President of St. Tammany Parish, LA where he modernized emergency operations and was lauded for his steady leadership during Hurricanes Katrina and Gustav.  In 2010, he developed and implemented a coordinated, multi-jurisdiction response plan to protect Lake Pontchartrain from oil intrusion resulting from the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. 
“I’m pleased to be co-chairing the IDCE 2013 with Governor Ridge,” said Davis. “This conference will be a significant opportunity to coalesce ideas and tangible planning measures for future catastrophic events.”
IDCE 2013 speakers will be announced in coming months. IDCE 2012 speakers included Governor Tom Ridge, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, LTG Russell Honore (USA Ret.), Tel Aviv University Homeland Security Program director Meir Elran and Willy Steenbakkers of The Netherlands Ministry of Security and Justice.