Welcome to the official blog of the International Disaster Conference and Expo, January 8 - 10, 2013. The purpose of this site is to provide information and commentary on international disasters from the leading experts in the field.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

IDCE Seeking to Deploy International Affiliate Council

The IDCE2013 Event Executive Committee is working to indentify additional industry contacts from different locations across the globe interested in serving on the IDCE International Affiliate Council (IAC).  The purpose of the IAC is to ensure international speakers and content selected from respective regions of the globe for the IDCE2013 conference is on-target.

This group of advisors is a key ingredient to ensuring international participation meets the expectations and standards of the IDCE Event Executive Committee and industries served by IDCE. 

 The IDCE2013 IAC:
·         Canada (CAN)
·         Latin American (LA)
·         Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)                         
                                                ·         Asia Pacific / Japan (APJ)
Australia / New Zealand (ANZ)

There are no meetings to attend in person, nor any financial or scheduling obligations to consider other than assisting the IDCE EEC with ensuring content selected for the conference is relevant and on-point to current events and challenges facing their respective region of the world, and possibly assisting in securing high profile speakers from their respective regions for the IDCE2013 general session program.

In return for participation on the IAC, this group of advisors will be recognized on all event material for their efforts in assisting with the development of the international program presented at IDCE.   In addition, IAC members will receive complimentary registration, air travel and lodging to attend IDCE2013.

Those interested in serving on the IAC or wishing to submit a nomination should contact show management via email at management@internationaldisasterconference.com.  Note: All requests for consideration and nominations received will be reviewed and selected by the EEC.  

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