Welcome to the official blog of the International Disaster Conference and Expo, January 8 - 10, 2013. The purpose of this site is to provide information and commentary on international disasters from the leading experts in the field.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Speaker Spotlight: Willy Steenbakkers

Senior Safety and Security Advisor at the National Crisis Center
Ministry for Security and Justice - National Coordinator Counterterrorism and Security - Kingdom of the Netherlands

Coordinating team leader for major events and disasters; Turkish airlines crash at Schiphol Airport, Afriqiah Airlines crash at Tripoli Airport, WC 2010 South Africa, NATO meeting Noordwijk, UN Summit on Afghanistan.

Preparation of national response plans on the issue of safety and security for major crisis and disasters such as CBRNE, Flooding, Pandemics and Cyber Security.

Preparation and execution of plans on the issue of safety and security for major events in- and outside of the Netherlands, such as Summer and Winter Olympics, several FIFA World Championships and several UEFA European Championships, Giro d'Italia and Tour de France, World Championship Baseball Netherlands 2005, State visits and International conferences.

Senior Project manager Safety and Security at 1 CIMIC Battalion

Captain at Civil Military Cooperation Battalion of the Royal Netherlands Army 

Participant International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)

During this three-week individual program I focused on Crisis Management. The IVLP has taken me to the cities of Washington DC, New York, New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Sacramento.

I have gathered a lot of information on the following topics:
-    Explore the U.S. government’s structure for policy formulation, particularly with respect to crisis management.
-    Examine planning and coordination of policies and procedures for major public events such as the Olympics, July 4th on the National Mall and New Year’s Eve at Times Square.
-    Review the various phases of U.S. crisis management, including risk analysis, early warning systems, continuity of government and operations, procedures and coordination of government entities during terrorist attacks, crowd control and crisis communication.
-    Focus on effective planning for and management of natural hazards and civil emergencies such as floods, hurricanes, major forest fires, and earthquakes.
-    Gain academic and think tank perspectives on emergency management training, planning and implementation.
-    Early Warning Systems; The Netherlands is working on NL Alert, an early warning system using mobile telephone structure and I looked at existing early warning systems in the U.S.
-    Managing Transboundary Crises; the oil spillage in New Orleans (Deep Horizon) is an example of a transboundary crisis. It would be interesting to discuss State level coordination and critical infrastructure.

Program manager NL-Alert for Public Warning
 Ministry for Security and Justice

The Program NL-Alert; "Cell Broadcast for Public Waning" consists of a number of projects:
-    Procurement of a broker organization
-    Realization of contracts with major NL telecom operators
-    EU project (chairman); spread of knowledge and expertise on Cell Broadcast and standardizing of Cell Broadcast technology in telecom industry
-    Installation of cell broadcast in control rooms and implementation of service

Program manager C2000 communication network for Ministry of the Interior
-    finances of the C2000 project
-    planning of the C2000 project
-    three country pilot
-    overall management responsibility

Management Consultant
Ministry of Defense
Contract evaluation for national & international purchase of material and systems for the Netherlands Army, Navy and Air Force

Honors and Awards:
Winner 2009: 112 award for Valuable Contribution to Public Warning as the project manager for the EU project 'Cell Broadcast for Public Warning.

Winner 2003: TETRA award for Outstanding contribution to TETRA. Received as the project manager of the 3-country pilot between Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Nomination: NL-Alert for the national Public Safety and Security Award.

Bachelor of Business Administration, Industrial Engineering & Management Studies
Technical University of Eindh

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