Welcome to the official blog of the International Disaster Conference and Expo, January 8 - 10, 2013. The purpose of this site is to provide information and commentary on international disasters from the leading experts in the field.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Exhibitor Spotlight: FloodSmart

In 2004, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) identified the critical need to educate communities nationwide about the risk of flooding and the importance of flood insurance coverage. In response to this need, the NFIP developed FloodSmart, a comprehensive, integrated campaign to educate and inform partners, stakeholders, property owners and renters about financially protecting their homes and businesses from flood damage.

FloodSmart’s awareness strategy promotes flood insurance nationwide, not only among those who live in high-risk areas, but also among those who live in lower-risk areas.  Everyone is at risk from flooding, and the FloodSmart campaign reminds people in moderate-to-low-risk areas that their risk is simply reduced, not removed. In addition, the campaign targets high-risk areas with a greater and more consistent emphasis on the importance of flood preparedness and protection. Through TV, print, radio, online advertising, direct mail, online sites, FloodSmart.gov and Agents.FloodSmart.gov,  and consistent media relations, the campaign employs direct public outreach to gain the most exposure to the message.

“Floods are the nation’s number one natural disaster, and yet many residents are not financially prepared to weather the storm. We are excited to share our FloodSmart tools and resources that explain risks and insurance options at this year’s International Disaster Conference.”
--Andrew Eastman, FloodSmart Program Manager

Andrew Eastman

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