Welcome to the official blog of the International Disaster Conference and Expo, January 8 - 10, 2013. The purpose of this site is to provide information and commentary on international disasters from the leading experts in the field.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Get Published! Industry Journals Participating in IDCE2013

IDCE is proud to announce affiliation with three major industry journals.
  • The Domestic Preparedness Journal
  •  International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management
  • Journal of Emergency Management (Information to be announced shortly)
Presentations submitted may have the associated white paper considered for publication in one of three industry journals associated with IDCE. Consideration for publication does NOT depend upon inclusion in the IDCE conference program. Parties interested in journal review for publication must select the journal during the submission process, and may only select 1 for consideration.

About the Domestic Preparedness Journal
DomesticPreparedness.com was established in 1998 and now serves as a vital information source to more than 15,000 planners, responders, receivers, and government officials at the local, state, and federal levels, plus their private-sector partners. DomPrep provides multi-discipline, multi-jurisdiction solutions, written by practitioners, to senior-level preparedness professionals.

•    EMAIL: http://imrnet.com/weeklybrief/
•    ONLINE: http://www.domesticpreparedness.com/
•    PDF PRINT: http://domprep.com/DomPrep_Journal
•    MOBILE: http://m.domesticpreparedness.com/

Submission Criteria: Submissions should be less than 1,200 words and include a brief biography (50-75 words) and hi-res head shot.
Rules for writers: http://www.domesticpreparedness.com/userfiles/toolkit/writer/DPJRules2012.pdf
Writer agreement: http://www.domesticpreparedness.com/userfiles/toolkit/writer/DPJ_Agree.pdf

About the International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management
International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management (IJRCM) is a registered [ISSN 2160-9624] and indexed peer-reviewed global journal published by IGI-Global and Information Resource Management Association based in Hershey, PA. The mission of IJRCM is to discover what risk and uncertainty mean to different disciplines and industries. IJRCM publishes academic manuscripts, case studies, literature reviews, and product/book/event reviews related to any of IJRCM or IDCE keyword.

•    EMAIL: http://internationaldisasterconference.com/Editor.IJRCM@gmail.com
•    ONLINE: http://www.igi-global.com/IJRC
•    PDF PRINT: http://www.igi-global.com/journal-contents/international-journal-risk-contingency-management/5313
Submission Criteria: Event, book or software reviews (1-5 references): 1000-2500 words (2-3 pages); best practices/white papers (5-20 references): 2500-5500 words (3-10 pages); research papers (20-50 references): 5500-8000 words (up to 20 pages).
Rules for writers: http://personal.plattsburgh.edu/kstra003/ijrcm/

Writer agreement: http://www.igi-global.com/Files/AuthorEditor/author_warranty_journals.pdf

About the Journal of Emergency Management (Information to be announced shortly)
The Journal of Emergency Management is a professional, bi-monthly journal with a simple but urgent goal: to better equip all those responsible for emergency preparedness and response to deal effectively with everything from acts of terror, fires, floods, and weather emergencies to gas explosions and catastrophic accidents on land, in the air, or at sea.

With a well-focused game plan carried out by an unbeatable team of emergency preparedness and response experts, Journal of Emergency Management is already being hailed as long overdue and a "must have" for anyone responsible for the safety and well-being of both personnel and property.

With each issue of Journal of Emergency Management look for in-depth articles on topics as wide ranging as:
•    Meeting the challenge of the shadowy world of terrorism
•    Emergency response and disaster management
•    Severe weather, flood and hurricane case studies
•    Emergency preparedness and response legislation
•    Public buildings recovery planning
•    Information analysis and infrastructure protection
•    Evacuation procedures for the visually impaired
•    Emergency wireless messaging

ISSN# 1543-5865, 2010 Volume 10,
Current table of contents: http://www.pnpco.com/jem_current_toc.pdf
Manuscript Gateway is: http://www.pnpco.com/pn06012.html
Current List of Abstracts by year: http://www.pnpco.com/pn06008.html

NOTE FROM IDCE2013 MANAGEMENT: Journal publication is at the sole discretion of the Journal reviewing abstracts. IDCE has no influence or input regarding the selection process. Questions regarding journal publication should be directed to the journal for which speakers / presenters are seeking publication.

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